Venue: Jervis Bay Studio
Date: Saturday 20th April, 2024
Time: 1.30pm – 4pm
Cost: $90
Who For: Everyone!
What’s included…. all materials for use on the day. Tea, coffee and light refreshments.
What to Bring… Only yourself and your enthusiasm!
Refund Policy
Full refunds are available up to 7 days prior to your class. Within 7 days incurs a $50 admin fee and the remainder will be either refunded or you may like to use it as a credit towards a future workshop.
Bookings are also transferable… just let me know ahead of time if possible.
**Please note that as a small business I have decided to introduce the $50 cancellation fee for workshops so as to keep them somewhat viable in the event of cancellations in the last week, especially when booking halls and supplying materials… thank you for your understanding 🙂
*** Please also note we are not responsible for accommodation or travel costs should a workshop be cancelled or postphoned.
The Stressbuster is back!
The Stress buster – a class with a difference!
Suitable for everyone and absolutely NO experience necessary just a desire to have some creative fun!
This class will provide you with a time and space to completely chill and have fun discovering new ways to manage stress.
It’s anything but a formal art lesson… the focus is on ‘loosening up’ and getting into the ‘groove’ by engaging in activities such as movement, breathe and visualisation, then letting loose with paint and mixed media.
Mess and experimentation is totally encouraged… though you may be surprised at how masterpieces just somehow turn up!
And if you’re worried you won’t know what to do… I’m there to gently guide you to find your own expression or offer suggestions.
Tuition and guidance is always in accordance with individual and group needs so there’s nothing to worry about except chillaxing and having fun!
Oh… and if you’re a creative suffering artist block… perfect! I guarantee you won’t be blocked for long!
It’s all about having fun, connecting with self and recharging your batteries with no expectations…
All materials will be provided so all you need to do is turn up with your enthusiasm!
This class is suitable for anyone interested in discovering new ways to relax and manage stress, with the added bonus of perhaps finding your own creative voice or if your creative voice has gone awol, getting it back and kick starting new ideas!
It’s pure creative fun!
Please note… this class is offered as a way to support wellbeing, but I am not an art therapist or counselor. If you need this kind of support, we have some wonderful art therapists in our community.
To register, follow the link to the secure online booking site
or if you’d prefer direct deposit
BSB 062 762 Account Number 10068115 (ref: WS+ your name).
If you use this option please send me a message or email so I know to reserve your spot!